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Love the part about roasting techniques. Always wondered how they bring out those flavors. Do you think home roasting can compare?

Rob the Scribe

Fascinating insights into the alchemy of coffee roasting. It’s intriguing how historical practices have evolved into modern techniques. Thanks for sharing, Emma.


hmm im curious about the roast profiles. like, do different countries have specific profiles they prefer? or is it more about the bean? always looking to up my coffee game lol

Emma Sinclair

Great question, JennyBean. Coffee preferences can be quite regional but there’s also a lot depending on the bean itself and the roasting style preferred by the coffee culture in that area.


Nice article. I didn’t know roasting coffee was so complex.


I agree with most points, but don’t you think the roast level is more crucial than the method? It’s like, the roast sets the stage for flavor, while technique is more about refining it.


So, by ‘scorched more beans than a novice at a campfire’, you’re saying there’s hope for all of us wannabe roasters? Inspiring…and here I thought my burnt beans were a sign to give up.


Awesome read! Roasting’s an art and love how you broke it down for us. Gonna share this with my crew!